It's better to live 10 minutes from the sea than 10 minutes from the subway

Many of you may have seen the meme with the phrase, "It's better to live 10 minutes from the sea than 10 minutes from the subway." I lived in a large metropolis, the capital, close to the subway and the city center for quite a while, and I have been living close to the sea for even longer now. From this, it's probably clear that I completely agree with that phrase, and there are several reasons for this. Of course, there are advantages to living in a metropolis near the subway, but now I will name my reasons why I prefer living by the sea. I will also mention some known downsides. I would appreciate it if you also share your opinions on this topic in the comments.

I'll start with the downsides that are relevant to me:

  • Living by the sea is not always possible in your own country (not all countries have access to the sea), which is relevant for many, meaning you would be living abroad. Living abroad has many downsides, but that goes beyond the "sea" topic, so let's focus on the main one — you are a foreigner here. For me, this primarily means problems with long-term stays (visas) and the impossibility of staying permanently by buying a home by the sea. There might be issues with communication and local services if you do not share a language with the locals. If you have children, it might be difficult to resolve the kindergarten-school issue (although I believe that remote education plus the experience that a child gains by living such a life gives them much more). 
  • Another significant downside of living abroad is the difficulty of finding local employment, thus it is important to have remote work or passive income.
  • Often, you become less active. The sea and the accompanying resort atmosphere are relaxing. You need less to feel good. You relax and slow down. Not everyone can remain as effective as they are living in the city. But not everyone needs to be. 
  • You most likely will not have friends unless you have lived very long and managed to befriend locals or other long-term migrants. For example, I lived in Sri Lanka continuously for 3 years, but did not find friends, although I made many new acquaintances with people from around the world (I managed a small guesthouse).

Nuances that are neutral for me, but might be seen as a downside or upside by others:

  • Cuisine. I love to try various different and new things, but often miss the abundance and variety I am accustomed to.
  • People are all the same, yet very different, and you have to be sufficiently open-minded to feel comfortable.

And the advantages that outweigh everything:

  • The sea)) Especially if it also has a view of the mountains—it immediately reduces stress from everyday problems and situations by 50-80%. And as it is known, stress significantly affects both your mental and physical health.
  • And about health — regularly being in the sun, breathing iodine-rich salty air, and splashing in the water is very beneficial.
  • Broadening horizons (yes, for this, it is not necessary to live exactly by the sea). You will see that the world is so large and diverse. Although it often seems to me that the world is not that big when I wake up in one place on the planet and go to sleep on the other side. But that impresses even more.
  • Climate. It makes sense to choose a place by the sea with a climate that suits you if you are moving. I love warmth, so I live where it is warm, green, and bright.
  • The general mood around. People here seem more positive, likely due to the above advantages. And in general, the sea is associated with vacation and relaxation — this is pleasant.

I think the main question from those interested in this article and those who are not yet by the sea would be something like, "That's all well and good, but how can I move to the sea when I have this and that?"... I cannot answer such a question, but I can say that when I moved, I had a small and steadily decreasing income from a dying business and a pregnant wife (my son was born on the island and had his early and happy childhood there, which I am immensely grateful for). There were no guarantees that anything would work out and that I wouldn't have to return very soon with nothing left. But I was lucky. And over the years since moving (almost 10 years have passed), I have met many completely different people who also "got lucky." From reckless students to quite elderly people. From those who had money only for today's meal to those who invested a decent sum and opened their own hotel or other business in a new country. From loners who could comfortably sleep even in a hammock on the beach to responsible families with 3 children. All of them were united only by the fact that they decided to try and took the first step.
